The 5 best places to enjoy a Cuban-style coffee in Havana

1) Cafetería tu Parada

Coffee is definitely the most popular Cuban drink. In this cafetería you can order a café Cubano for just one peso, within walking distance of the Malecón. Caffeine and a sea breeze, the perfect combination.

Avenida Desamparados no 102B, Centro Habana

2) Cafetería La Familia

Coffee and pizza. That’s what the Habaneros buy here throughout the day. Don’t be shy, treat yourself to a café Cubano here as a bright start to a new day.

Bernaza no 109, Habana Vieja

3) Bar Mi Niña

When the time has come for a sugarcaffeine boost, this is the cafetería to go for a cortadito in the afternoon. A cortadito costs two Pesos Cubanos here.

San Lázaro no 213, Centro Habana

4) Cafetería La Luz

No matter what time of day, this is the place to go for a caffeine shot. The cafetería is open 24 hours a day and is always crowded. Order your café Cubano here for one peso moneda nacional. Those small cups of coffee sell out fast.

Obispo no 157, entre San Ignacio y Mercaderes, Habana Vieja

5) Cafetería Sol y Villegas

This is an example of one of the many inventive ways in which Cubans make a living. They sell coffee out of their window. And good coffee too. Try some like the real Habaneros. Kick-start your day with a sweet shot of café Cubano. They also sell Coffee Mate here.

Sol y Villegas, Habana Vieja

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