Beyond visiting the most important sights, Leslie encourages you to experience the daily life in San Francisco. Her advice? "Wander around aimlessly, enjoy getting lost and finding surprises along the way. Take in the views from the hilltops. Unwind at the local coffee shops. Savor the diverse culinary options and peruse the local food markets. And most of all, chat with the locals. Each offers a unique perspective and they’re happy to provide additional suggestions on things to see and do in the city."
Meet the author Leslie Santarina in San Francisco
Leslie Santarina
Leslie Santarina is the author of The 500 Hidden Secrets of San Francisco. A native to San Francisco, she is a freelance photographer and editor ( and her work takes her to every corner of the city - to cafes, restaurants, shops, museums, exhibits and new openings. Endlessly curious about her city and its secrets, culture and history, she takes every opportunity to make new discoveries on her visits across San Francisco’s many neighborhoods. Each has its distinct treasures. With a camera at hand, you’ll find her continuously exploring and capturing images of these gems in her city.
"Wander around aimlessly, enjoy getting lost and finding surprises along the way."